Research Computing

Advanced computing for research, high performance computing (HPC), instrumentation, data visualization and research software

Click on a service below and then select "Request service" buttion.

Services (9)

Research Data storage and access

Where should I put stuff? Google, my local drive or (Network Accessible Storage)

Research Computing Planning & Consulting

Don't know where to start? Start here.
Any support with planning for research projects, including hardware, software, and data.

High Performance Computing

Support related to access to or use of HPC resources

Research Software

Access to, installation of, or troubleshooting of software on a computer

Virtualization, Containerization, and Cloud-Based Academic Computing

Support related suites of software with multiple dependencies and cross-compatibility issues,
both in research and teaching

Web-Based Research Services

Support related to softwares that have a web-based interface (including RStudio), for both research and teaching

Teaching Labs

Issues related to machines and desktop images and software for computers in teaching labs

Request the Schupf Lab

Support related to using the Schupf lab and its visualization wall in Olin 019

Data Visualization

Support related to hardware and software specifically for data visualization