Installing a Public Printer for non-Colby macOS Computer

To Install on non-Colby personal macOS computer
  1. Go to the Paper Mobility Print macOS client install here
  2. Click the green Download button.  This will download the "pc-mobility-print-printer-setup-1.0.42[].dmg" file to the computer.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Locate and double-click the file "pc-mobility-print-printer-setup-1.0.42[].dmg"
  4. Double-click the file called "PaperCut Mobility Print Client.pkg"
  5. Proceed through the installation steps until completed

After the installation is complete, there will be Colby printer(s) available to print to.  The print queue(s) allow you to release a print job to various locations on campus such as Miller Library and Bixler Library.

To Manage your printing
  1. Go to and authenticate.
  2. Click on the PaperCut Printing icon and authenticate
  3. In the left-hand pane click on Jobs Pending Release to see jobs that are queued and ready to print
To Release your print jobs
  1. Go to the web page in Manage Your Printing > Jobs Pending Release
  2. OR
  3. If your desired printer has a touch screen/tap reader, tap your card on the yellow TAP CARD HERE TO COPY/PRINT/SCAN
  4. Tap the PaperCut icon on the screen
  5. Select any job(s) you wish to print
  6. Tap Print

Public Printers and Their Locations

Printer Name Location
MILLER_LIBRARY_1 Miller Library Circulation Area
MILLER_LIBRARY_2 Miller Library Circulation Area
BIXLER_LIBRARY_1 Bixler Art/Music Library Circulation Area
BIXLER_LIBRARY_2 Bixler Art/Music Library Circulation Area


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