Installing Stata 18 on Colby-Owned computers

Tags stata

For macOS devices:

  1. Open the Self Service app.
  2. In the Search bar, enter Stata 18.5 Site License - Install.
  3. Click the Install button. Installation should take a minute or two.
  4. The button will change to say Reinstall after the installation is done.
  5. Verify installation is complete by navigating to Applications > Stata > StataSE
  6. Open the application and run any updates if required.


For Windows devices:

  1. Open the Software Center app by going to the Start Menu and searching for Software Center.
  2. In the Applications tab on the left side look for the Stata 18 - Site License app. 
  3. Click into the app, then click on Install. Installation should take a few minutes.
  4. The app will say Uninstall once the installation is finished. 
  5. Verify installation is complete by navigating to the Start Menu and search for StataNow 18 SE
  6. Open the application and run any updates that are required.


Instructions for installing Stata 18 on personal non-Colby owned computers can be found here

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