E-mail Redirect

An e-mail redirect advertises a new e-mail address for you after you have left Colby and your account at Colby has been closed. E-mail sent to your closed Colby account will still be returned as undeliverable to the sender; however, a redirect will send return message in plain English and will include your new e-mail address. The return message will say “User youroldaddress@colby.edu has moved, please try newaddress@newdomain.com.

Your previous Colby address and the address you request in the redirect message will be shown as appropriate. The subject line of the redirect message will also say “Colby user youroldaddress@colby.edu has moved.” The sender will have to note the new address and resend their original message.

The e-mail will NOT be automatically forwarded to the new address! Redirects are kept in place for approximately six months after your Colby account is closed.

You may only request a redirect if you are graduating, transferring out, or your employment is ending. The process of setting a redirect is NOT automated—it will be reviewed by ITS personnel during normal business hours, so please plan ahead.

If you are a graduating senior, click here.


Article ID: 143217
Tue 11/22/22 4:21 PM
Wed 2/14/24 11:05 AM