Mobile Phone Twinning - link a mobile number to a desk/office extension

Mobile twinning is a business phone feature that allows a user to link a cell phone number to their business desk extension. Once a cell phone and desk phone are twinned, any call to the user’s desk extension will automatically ring on both devices. Mobile twinning technology resolves one of the more persistent problems of the modern office environment: the need to juggle multiple communication devices.

Note that twinning must be first activated for a particular telephone extension by a telephone system administrator. Once this has been done, the following instructions will allow the extension owner to activate or deactivate twinning:

  1. Dial 207-859-6908 from your mobile phone
  2. When you hear it ring hang up immediately
  3. The system will call you back and when you answer you will hear a dial tone
  4. To disable the twinning feature, dial *60
    1. If you hear two beeps then the change was successful
  5. To enable the twinning feature, dial *61
    1. You will hear two beeps if successful

The feature can also be activated, de-activated and the number changed from your office phone.

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Article ID: 130010
Thu 3/11/21 11:28 AM
Mon 6/5/23 10:34 AM