
What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware threat actors use to infect computers and encrypt computer files until a ransom is paid.

How it happens

Ransomware could be delivered in the following ways:

  • Emails containing malicious links or attachments
  • Exploited vulnerabilities in outdated, or unpatched, software
  • Online ads and infected websites that may be compromised

What you need to do to protect yourself:

1. Verify email senders and use caution when clicking on links or opening of attachments from senders you do not know.

2. If you receive an attachment or link from a colleague which you weren’t expecting, be extra vigilant and contact them to make sure it was sent intentionally. 

3. Perform frequent backups of important files and verify these backups on a regular basis. 

4. Keep you devices and software up to date with latest operating system patches and software updates.




The staff at the ITS Support Center are available to answer questions at 4222 and support@colby.edu.



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Article ID: 143700
Tue 1/10/23 9:40 AM
Tue 4/2/24 2:03 PM