SSH Client for Windows (PuTTY)

Tags ssh terminal

The Windows SSH client in use at Colby is PuTTY. For college-owned systems you can search for and install from the Software Center portal. For personal use, you can install the latest from the internet (PuTTY download page) or from our on campus file server, \\\Software\Windows\SSH Client\putty-64bit-0.81-installer.msi

After a successful installation, follow these steps for your initial configuration:

  1. Open the PuTTY application. You will be presented with the following screen the first time:

  2. Enter the name of the service you wish to connect to in the Host Name (or IP address) field.
    1. In this screen you may also want to customize some options in the left-hand pane. Most common are Keyboard and Colours.
    2. If you'd like to save the name, enter the name into the Saved Sessions field and click Save.
  3. Click Open.
  4. The first time you connect to a site you will be presented with a dialog box to accept the site's unique SSH key. Click Accept if it's what you expect.

  5. Enter you login name, press the Enter key, and enter your password, and include multi-factor authentication (MFA) if prompted. At Colby your login name is typically the same as your email login name.

  6. Now you can execute some basic commands on the system. Here are a few simple commands. Follow each with the Enter key to execute them.
    ls (list files in the current directory)
    w (who's on the system now)
    exit (logoff the system)
  7. For more information about the PuTTY application, please visit the FAQ page at: PuTTY FAQ
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