Password Management

A password is required to do many things online at Colby and at other sites on the Internet, from retailers to banks. By now, everyone should know the basic rules of the road for managing passwords and accounts:

  • Use strong passwords — a good password is either complex (with numbers, upper and lower case letters, and symbols) or longer than 18 characters. Avoid using dictionary words, or things that would be easy for someone to guess.

  • Use a unique password for every accounts — this will protect against the domino effect of multiple accounts being compromised due to using the same password across services.

  • Never provide password to anyone  — Phishing emails are notorious for asking you to log into a webpage using your username and password or face some threatening action of you don’t.

  • Never store your password(s) in a file on your computer, or anywhere.

  • Consider changing your password — the best way to prevent someone from using your password is to change the password.

  • Consider using a password manager  — Password managers like Keeper, Bitwarden or 1Password assist in generating complex passwords and storing them securely.


Colby ITS’ Office if Information Security recommends the following on-line password manager.


Article ID: 143250
Mon 11/28/22 12:02 PM
Tue 4/2/24 2:46 PM