Green Computing

Colby’s ITS department is committed to green computing on campus. We currently setup computers to use power saving schemes, encourage duplex printing, and recycle as appropriate. Power saving schemes can be changed so we encourage people review our recommendations below.

Power Saving Tips

  • Monitors are the main source of power consumption in a computer system—turn them off when not in use
  • Shut down the computer when you leave for the night—a daily shut down and restart of the computer will not hurt it
  • Avoid using a screen saver
  • Allow your computer to turn off its display or go into sleep mode when it is not in use.
  • For Windows Users:
  • For Macintosh Users:

Printing Tips

  • Print double-sided whenever possible—Duplex Printing
  • Instead of printing a document, create a PDF—Create a PDF

Laptop Battery Tips

  • Maximizing the life of the laptop battery—Windows Users / Macintosh Users

Recycle Printer Cartridges

  • Each department is responsible for properly disposing of used cartridges
  • Cartridges should be put back in their original packing and taken to the basement of Eustis to the recycle room for pickup.


  • A 100% recycled paper was selected to be used campus-wide
  • Designated recycling depositories are located campus-wide. Paper is collected from them regularly and taken to the Waterville Recycling Center.
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Article ID: 140356
Tue 7/5/22 11:09 AM
Tue 2/27/24 4:21 PM

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As part of the College’s green computing initiative, duplex (double-sided) printing is recommended whenever possible.