Hardware Purchase and Replacement Policy


Technology is an integral part of Colby’s teaching and learning mission as well as the Colleges day-to-day business. This policy is designed to inform the Colby community on the computer purchase and replacement process.

Operating System Standards

Macintosh OS 14 and Windows 11 are the current College standards.

Hardware Standards

ITS evaluates the current offerings from Dell and Apple each year and identifies one standard laptop model and one standard desktop model from each manufacturer. If a system is identified for replacement, the standard model for the current purchase and replacement cycle will be offered. If any changes are needed to the standard configuration, the requester must provide the funds to cover the difference in cost.

Device Per Employee

Applicable Colby faculty and staff will be allocated one desktop or laptop computer. Requests for laptop computers may require additional justification. Laptop computers will include a flat panel display, external keyboard, and mouse.

Device Reallocation/Employee Departure

Computers acquired with College funds must be returned to ITS when an employee departs. If or when the vacancy is filled, the returned computer will be reallocated to the individual filling the vacancy if the computer is less than two years old or if it was purchased using non-ITS funds.

Eligibility for ITS Funding

Computers and other equipment purchased with grant, endowed chair, department or other funds are not eligible for upgrades or replacement through the replacement process.

It is strongly recommended that the Chief Information Officer be involved in grant proposals specifying the purchase of computers to be used extensively by students to determine appropriate options for future replacement.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this process, you may contact the Associate Director of Support Services.

Replacement Cycle Eligibility

The current replacement cycle eligibility is six years for desktops and four years for laptops. Eligibility does not immediately indicate that a system will be upgraded in the current replacement cycle. Several factors are considered when determining upgrades including, but not limited to, learning space functionality, current specifications meeting needs, security of college data, available funding, etc.

Computer/Computing Device Procurement

Computers and computing devices may be requested outside the annual replacement cycle following the same eligibility rules outlined above. All computers, computing devices (including iPads/iPods), or software purchased using College funds must be purchased through ITS and included in the College inventory, and will be supported, repaired, and maintained by ITS. Purchase requests should be directed to its-hardware@colby.edu.

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