Creating an Ad-Hoc Recording in HAARC

Coaches, assistants, and others are able to use equipment in certain facilities in the HAARC athletics center to record sporting events and practices.

  1. Locate the Extron touch panel for your venue.  Available options include the ice rink, swimming pool, squash courts, gym, and field house.
  2. Turn on the system by pressing the center power button.
  3. Navigate to Display Control.  Set Display to On, and set Source to Recorder.  This will let you see your recording in the nearby TV screen.
  4. Click on Camera Control.  Select either Camera 1 or 2 on the left.  Then adjust camera positioning using either a Preset or manually positioning using Zoom and Pan & Tilt.  Adjust the other camera as well.
  5. Click on Recording Control.  Press the Record button (red dot) to start recording.  Press the Stop button (black square) to end the recording.
  6. Contact the designated HAARC representative (Pat Ratke) to access the video.
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Article ID: 136687
Mon 11/8/21 3:00 PM
Fri 2/2/24 2:21 PM