ITS is switching copiers from swipe card readers to tap readers. Here is a how to use tap to make copies:
How to use tap readers....
- Look for the yellow tap reader icon in the center or right of the copier
- Place your card next to the icon and you should hear a beep
- The touch screen of the copier will show the icons for Copy, Send, and PaperCut
- Choose the function you wish to use and enter any options on the touch screen.

- Q: My card doesn't beep when I place it next to the card reader.
- A: Your card may not have tap ability or be damaged. Please contact ITS Card Services ( for help in troubleshooting.
- Q: When I scan my card, the copy button doesn't appear.
- You either need to add funds to your personal card, or if it's a department card, contact ITS Card Services for help in adjusting your account.